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Seafood Industry Innovation Summit 2023

November 14, 2023 - November 17, 2023

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Seafood Industry Innovation Summit '23 Logo


Event: Atlantic Canada’s 1st Seafood Industry Innovation Summit

Location: Fisheries & Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL Canada

The Fisheries and Marine Institute’s Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development (CASD) and the Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation (CCFI) are pleased to host Atlantic Canada’s first Seafood Industry Innovation Summit (SIIS). The SIIS aims to promote the continuous development of a sustainable, modern, and globally competitive fish and seafood industry in Atlantic Canada. This event will focus on identifying new opportunities for industry modernization through leveraging innovation and adoption of new technologies that support the long-term sustainability of Atlantic Canada’s seafood sector.


About CASD

At the Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development (CASD) we work closely with our industry partners to enhance the global competitiveness and sustainability of our seafood and aquaculture industries in Newfoundland and Labrador, and Atlantic Canada. We enable our industry partners to produce premium sustainable seafood products and novel marine bio-products using innovative green technologies. Our team of experts also train HQPs providing them with the skills to be the driving force of Atlantic Canada’s blue economy.


About CCFI

The Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation (CCFI) is dedicated to supporting research and development that enhances the sustainability, safety, and profitability of Canada’s seafood industry.
CCFI has supported hundreds of industry related projects that have solved industry challenges by actively promoting research and development in the aquaculture, harvesting sector, and fish processing sectors. We often utilize both the human resources and facilities assets of Memorial University and its Fisheries and Marine Institute, as well as other academic and research institutions, gear manufacturers, ocean tech organizations, artificial intelligence firms, and other entities advancing innovations in seafood.

CCFI works directly with industry players to secure funding and facilitate access to scientific and technological expertise and facilities, resulting in projects that answer and/or address industry questions and work toward the adoption of new scientific data, technologies, and product developing knowledge.


Summit Themes

Automation: Process efficiency, robotics, labour and product quality

Digitization: Artificial intelligence, traceability, inventory and process management

By-Product Valorization: Leveraging side streams to achieve full utilization and value maximization


Summit Platforms

Plenary Sessions – A forum for industry experts to present new technology and innovations will take place in Hampton Hall at MI and will be open to all SIIS delegates.

Pilot Plant Demonstrations – Hands on demonstrations for processing equipment and automation will be held in CASD’s Seafood Processing Pilot Plant.

Workshops – Session for the “up-and-coming” technology like AI/Robotics will occur in MI’s Conference Centre.

Networking – Social events will be held at the Emera Innovation Centre Signal Campus, and the Alt Hotel Water Street to bring the attendees together to network outside the conference sessions.


CASD on Social Media

Website: https://www.mi.mun.ca/departments/centreforaquacultureandseafooddevelopment/

Twitter: @for_seafood

LinkedIn: Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development


CCFI on Social Media

Website: www.ccfi.ca

Facebook:  Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation – CCFI

Instagram: @ccfi_mun

Twitter: @CCFI_MUN

LinkedIn: Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation


Call for Expression of Interest

Seafood Industry Innovation Summit – November 14-17, 2023

Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland

We are now accepting expressions of interest from industry stakeholders to exhibit, host a live equipment demonstration, host a workshop, or deliver a plenary address during our summit on November 14 – 17, 2023. Space is limited and competitive for these exclusive opportunities to showcase your innovations to a targeted audience of key industry stakeholders. Preference will be given to companies demonstrating how their innovations relate to automation, digitization or by-product valorization, and the overall modernization of the seafood industry.

Submission Deadline: September 29, 2023

You will be contacted by the Summit Organizers within 2-weeks of submission regarding the status of your application.

Seafood Industry Innovation Summit Expression of Interest



Registration will be limited to 150 delegates to provide unique hands on opportunities for participants to engage directly with industry experts during equipment demonstrations and workshop sessions.

Registration for the Seafood Innovation Summit includes free passes to the North Atlantic Fish and Workboat Show, November 17 & 18 at Mary Brown’s Centre, St. John’s.


Seafood Industry Innovation Summit Delegate Registration

Registration Fees for Delegates What’s Included
Full Registration $500 + HST Access to all plenary, demos, workshops, exhibitor booths
and networking events – includes luncheon and opening reception
Limited Registration $340 + HST Access to plenary sessions, exhibitor booths , and networking events
– includes luncheon and opening reception
Luncheon & Panel Discussion $74.40 + HST Luncheon and panel discussion only
Opening Reception $114 + HST Opening reception only


Sponsorship Packages

Sponsorship Packages

Interested in sponsoring this event? Please contact heather.burke@mi.mun.ca


Host Hotel Information

Alt Hotel St. John’s
125 Water Street
St. John’s, NL
A1C 5X4

Guest Room Block is open for Booking. Attendees can book in any of the three methods below:

Code and direct link available until October 13, 2023.


Draft Program


November 14, 2023
November 17, 2023
Event Category:


Fisheries & Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL Canada
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador Canada + Google Map